
Love Hina
by Ken Akamatsu
Book: 11
(For Mature Audiences)

Keitaro is headed to America without the Hinata clan as he joins Seta in a archaeological study. But just because. Keitaro isn’t there for six months doesn’t mean everything is quiet. Right at the six-month mark, a mysterious girl invades the Hinata House with the place’s ownership papers and the intent of turning it back into an inn. Turns out the shady youth is Keitaro’s little sister, Kanako, who has an unusual obsession with the awkward boy, and a deep-set dislike for those who challenge her in her love. Instead of embarking on the expansion of the long-established ensemble of lovable characters, the eleventh book brings in a totally new face to fill the absence of Keitaro…and it doesn’t work that well. The stalker-type sister looking to sabotage the sorority of girls who each have long-established, meaningful relationships with her brother seems misplaced in an already complex set of still-yet-unveiled stories and character histories. If there had been mention of a distant half-sister in the previous novels, the plot twist may hold more ground, but as predominantly a filler for a main character’s absence, it seems a misguided choice. Luckily the original Hinata crew hasn’t changed one bit.

Review Posted: PaperBackSwap
Author Website: AILove.net (Japanese)

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